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MGT Medical Treatment TOUR N CURE

Tour n’ Cure has already been in Egypt since 2016, under the umbrella of Prima Pharma, while the campaign started even before we took it to London or Greece and Cyprus. Lionel Messi did a great job to be the face of this campaign in 2017 here in Egypt. Actually, Prime Pharma through Pharco Company is producing the medicine to cure Hepatitis C. In addition, the company and its team internationally approached the young people through the campaign to go and be tested. There are new leads on diagnosis, we get patients in every day they do not actually get it from blood transfusions or other means but they can infected through every day uses, like getting a tattoo, nail stamps or through any way, that it is not hygienically correct, might lead to infection, even through bleeding.


His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan is the president of the United Arab Emirates and Ruler of Abu Dhabi said the UAE’s focus on developing its healthcare system remains one of its key priorities. In a message on World Health Day, he said the country will continue to make a telling contribution to eradicating diseases worldwide. “Safeguarding people’s health and wellbeing has been a key priority throughout the UAE’s journey,” he said. “On World Health Day, we reaffirm this commitment, as we continue to build an advanced healthcare system and contribute to disease eradication efforts around the world.” On the 7th of April, 2023, MGT proudly launches another healthcare vertical “MEDICAL GLOBAL TREATMENT ” MGT MEDICAL TREATMENT FACILITATION SERVICES is committed to raise the bar & deliver the best of healthcare, a one-point contact for all seeking quality healthcare treatment with time-bound healthcare services and facilities and help patient in our campaign Tour n Cure and Save your life cards and  #Stop The Wat